Valerie Wolbert


Valerie (Val) Wolbert has been part of People First for over a decade. She was President of People First Manitoba, as well as the local St. Vital Chapter President in 2010 and was the Past President of People First Manitoba until 2022 when she became the current President. People First is important to Val because it empowers people with intellectual disabilities to show their capability and help make a difference in other people's lives. Some of Val's biggest accomplishments are co-directing the documentary Freedom Tour and protesting zoning injustices in Springfield and Stonewall. Val has been part of the St. Amant "Transitioning into The Community" committee and is particularly passionate about helping people move out of institutions and move into the community. She wants everyone to have the supports they need to feel that they belong in the community. Val has been the Campaign Manager for her husband five times in past elections and is passionate about politics. Through her work with People First and Disability Matters Vote she hopes that more people with intellectual disabilities learn the voting process and their voting rights. In the future Val hopes to run for Provincial Office and be an Executive Board Member of People First Canada.

Kevin Johnson

Past President

Kevin Johnson has been President of People First Winnipeg for two full terms. Being part of People First has allowed Kevin to use his outspoken personality to take initiative in speaking up for his community and make real change. Kevin is particularly passionate about reaching out to educate and support the community as a whole. Some of his biggest accomplishments in his career with People First have been getting elected as President, being a co-producer on the documentary "Freedom Tour", and going to the Parliament Building in Ottawa to meet Canadian MLA's. Overall, Kevin has worked hard to make a difference with People First and one day hopes to work his way up to be part of the National People First Board.

Jessica Croy

First Vice President

Jessica Croy was People First Manitoba's Second Vice President for two years and was elected First Vice President in 2019. Jessica was originally part of the Local Selkirk Chapter starting in 2013 and joined the Executive Board in 2015 to learn more about people's rights and how to advocate for her community. People First is important to Jessica because she believes everyone should be treated as equal members of society. Jessica is particularly passionate about educating others, speaking on the importance of language, and sharing her own personal experiences. In Jessica's career with People First some of her biggest accomplishments have been working on The Language Project and the Disability Vote Matters campaigns. As the current President of the Local Selkirk Chapter, Jessica hopes to work towards getting hand rails along the stairs in the Rec Centre and one day becoming the next President of People First Manitoba.

David Weremy

Second Vice President

David Weremy has been part of People First Manitoba since 2003 and was elected Second Vice President in the summer of 2019. Through David's career with People First he has worked on many projects such as co-directing the Freedom Tour documentary and has won many awards such as the Queen's Diamond Jubilee medal, the Canadian Council National Award, and the LiveWorkPlay 2019 Legacy Inclusion Leadership Award. As a member of the Canadian Association of Community Living Joint National Task Force on Deinstitutionalization, one of David's biggest accomplishments has been taking on the task of lead plaintiff in a class action lawsuit. This lawsuit has been filed against the Government of Manitoba for abuse he and others suffered while forced to live at the Manitoba Development Centre. Overall as a survivor of institutionalized living, David hopes to one day shut down all institutions so future generations will not have to experience being sent away and can grow up in a home.

Dustin Buchan


Bio coming soon.

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