At the heart of the People First movement is the right to live in community

People First believes in the right of every individual to live in their community and will work to close institutions and educate Canadian society about the better options available.

People First of Canada (PFC) and the Canadian Association for Community Living (CACL) define an institution as follows:

An institution is any place in which people who have been labeled as having an intellectual disability are isolated, segregated and/or congregated. An institution is any place in which people do not have, or are not allowed to exercise control over their lives and their day to day decisions. An institution is not defined merely by its size.

People First Canada believes that people should exercise their right to voice and choice in choosing where they live and with whom they live. We believe that all people can live within their community, with appropriate supports. We believe that no person, regardless of disability, should live in any kind of situation where they are kept apart from the community.

A big part of the People First movement is the right to live in the community

People First believes in the right of every individual to live in their community and will work to close institutions, of all sizes and manner, that inappropriately house people with intellectual disabilities. People First believes that people with intellectual disabilities are inappropriately placed in nursing homes, senior's homes, group homes, long-term care facilities, personal care homes and other similar settings. Every person should have control over where and with whom they live. Funding should be linked to the disability supports required by an individual, not an agency or geographical area. People's homes should be determined by individual decision, person-by-person, and not based on the availability of beds within agencies. Furthermore, People First recognizes the difference between housing needs and disability supports.

To ensure that all people with intellectual disabilities are living in the community, all large institutions must be closed.

Institutional settings as a residential living option should no longer be offered to people. Policies around individuals must reflect the ideals and principles of inclusive community living for all Canadians and be based on each person's individual needs.

People First has several tools to promote awareness and educate people about the right to live in community.

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